
Yes. All of our products are hand crafted and quality controlled by experts in-house .

Generally we ship the ordered products within 5-7 business days inside city and 14 working days out side the city. But if there is any difficulty in the production of products we will e-mail you about that mishaps as soon as possible.

Currently our business is online. But if we get positive response to open an outlet than surely we will go with offline and the information will be on our website.

Yes, we can. you just need to let us know at contact us about your desire to decorate the house or how would you like to decorate the place. Thank you.

Common Questions

How long will it take to deliver the products?

Usually, it takes 5-7 working days to deliver a product inside the city and 14 working days outside the city.

What are the materials used in making your products?

We mainly use sustainable products to make our goods. Ingredients like wood, bamboo, etc.

Can I order custom-made gift items?

Yes you can. Just contact us, and we will discuss about it.

Is there any warranty for your products?

Yes, you can find it on product description.